As my long term readers will know, when I came back to film in 2017 it was to help me to recover from a stroke. My Doctor agreed that it would be good exercise for the old grey matter, the repetitive nature of photography definitely counted as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and I haven't looked back. A few people thought I wouldn't keep it up, with some agreement from myself as I am notorious for losing interest in things, yet here we are. I'm still clicking that shutter and enjoying every moment of it.
As with every aspect of life, my photography has had its share of ups and downs over the years. Cameras have failed, I have fixed a couple of rolls before developing and missed focus a lot. I have been thoroughly disillusioned at times, mostly due to dumb mistakes I have made, but the good times have far outweighed the bad.
I have sold a photo, become a contributor to a series of photo 'zines and published a book just for my wife. I have contributed articles to and won a camera from that has made me learn to slow down and appreciate the process. I also inspired my grandchildren to give photography a try and I'm looking forward to seeing how they fare in the coming years, they are showing their talent is not being wasted. Above all else I have had fun, which is why we have hobbies in the first place.
I am also at a crossroads with my photography and it's mostly to do with gear. I have collected a lot of stuff and need to slim down and get better organised. I have things that I am just not using. Things I bought on my journey into photography, which were a good idea at the time, that only had a short life in my regular rotation. It's time to move them on and let someone else enjoy them. In the new year I will be sorting through my gear and compiling a list of things to sell.
There's a few things I am going to continue in the coming years. I have enjoyed being a part of the Frugal Film Project over the last few years and that will continue in 2025. It makes me get out to take photos and it's a lot of fun, even when I don't get it right. Baldy the Baldax taught me a lot in 2024, especially about the basic principles of photography. KISS theory works, folks. "Keep It Simple Stupid!" is a mantra we could all use a little more.
I am also going to keep contributing to the Zines produced in honour of John Whitmore to raise money for Asthma + Lung UK. I have enjoyed being a part of the Photo Zine Collective, we have only just got started and are growing as we go along. Our aim is to promote not just our 'Zines, but those of our fellow photographers too. We aren't a bunch of grumpy old men with cameras, we have several women amongst our number and I would like more women to become involved. There are a lot of great women out there enjoying their photography and not getting the recognition they deserve for it. I will post links below.
I also plan on producing a 'Zine this year. It's been in the planning stages for quite some time, but crippling angst has not been my best pal when it comes to getting things done. That changes this year. I know it will always be with me, but I can win a battle or two along the way like I did when I attended the Mersey Meet Photo Walk. I know it's going to be a tough battle ahead, but the end result will see my photography being out there in print!
That brings me to this goal that I have set for myself. I plan on finally getting my education in darkroom printing started. I have the gear, just not the room until I de-clutter and move stuff on to pastures new. I do this in the hope that I can sell a few prints and hopefully brighten someones wall. I also know I am nowhere near the level of the likes of Ansel Adams. I am not cheeky enough to charge hundreds for a print, but we all start somewhere.
That's my five year review and plans for the years ahead as I continue my journey into photography. It's good to see how far I have come and if the next five years is as enjoyable as the last five years, I will be a happy man. Here's a few of my favourite photos taken over the last five years. As for the next five years, I will be placing my photos on my Flickr account and if you fancy taking a look at what I have achieved thus far, you can visit using the link below. I hope you enjoy them.
Photozine Collective
Jim Graves Flickr
I wish you every success!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Shawn