Saturday, 4 December 2021

Film Photography Project 2021 - November

Autumn was a riotous display this year, despite the apparent lateness of the leaves falling, there was all shades of green, gold, and orange gracing the trees in Mesnes Park, Wigan. For this roll of Kodak ColorPlus 200 I wanted a nice sunny day with hardly a breeze and plenty of colour to shoot. Mother Nature answered and gave me a beautiful afternoon towards the end of November with exactly the conditions I asked her for.

I decided to have yet another change of camera and
took the opportunity to bring a founding member of Team Grav out to play. I loaded my roll of ColorPlus into my trusty Pentax SP500 with Helios 44m-4 58mm f/2 lens attached. I came back to film in 2017 with this camera and lens combo and it has rewarded me many times since then for my efforts using both B&W and colour film. I had been wanting to use it for the project since day one.

When I arrived at the Park I was treated to several of the trees showing autumn colour and I got straight to work hunting compositions. I began with a couple of shots where I was far away from the trees I wanted to photograph, but soon decided to get up close and see if I could coax some of the legendary Helios swirly bokeh into my compositions.

It was a joy to be using my Pentax SP500 again, it felt like I had only put it on my shelf yesterday as I began this months shoot. It is such a simple and straightforward camera to use, the lightmeter is still pretty accurate after almost 50 years and that reassuring clunk of the shutter told me instantly I had made the right choice of camera this month. I was very much at home again.

Sadly all good things come to an end and I had become so engrossed in what I was doing that my final frame crept up on me. 36 frames go quickly when you're having fun and I put my camera in my bag, hopefully with a few decent images on the film. I didn't develop my film at home this month, I took it to my local Max Spielmann Photo Store who always do a grand job of developing and scanning my colour film.

Here are a few of my photos from my Frugal Film Project November roll of ColorPlus. I had a lot of fun shooting it and I have put them and more in my Frugal Film Project 2021 Colour Album on Flickr which you can visit by using the link below. I hope you enjoy them.

Frugal Film Project 2021 Colour

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