Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Frugal Film Project 2021 - May

 It's Frugal Film Project time again and for May I had a wander around town and shot a roll of Fomapan 200 at box speed. I mentioned in my previous blog that I was basically doing double duty here in Wigan shooting a roll of Retropan 320 in my Agfa isolette 1. I also had my D700 but that hardly got used as I was really enjoying shooting film. Who could blame me for leaving the dslr in my bag as it was a lovely day of fluffy clouds and sunny spells. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in what I am doing I have to remind myself I have other options.

I spent a fair bit of time using my Olympus 35RC to find the composition for my medium format shots. I took 2 or three shots at each location before settling on a composition and put my Olympus away and got my Isolette out. It really felt so natural doing it this way and it kept me focused on the task in hand. I freely admit to having a short attention span, but I was able to keep my mind on my photowalk and I think my photographs reflect that.

The more I use my Olympus 35RC, the more comfortable and proficient I become with it. We are often reminded that "practice makes perfect" and it is bearing out in my case. I was helped by glorious weather and clouds to die for that saved me having to deal with blown highlights that clear blue skies are notorious for. I like my photographs to be filled with the scene rather than negative space. Some say it makes an image too busy, but on this occasion it genuinely depicted the day I had. It also made Fomapan 200 shine.

I definitely chose the right B&W film for the first half of the Frugal Film Project. I have learned so much about my camera and the film I chose, my skills are definitely improving. With just one more roll before I make the switch to ColorPlus, I am going to look back at the last few months knowing how much taking part in this year long project has helped me grow as a photographer. There is stil so much to learn and enjoy too.

Here are a few of my photographs from this months roll of Fomapan 200, I have also placed them and more in my Frugal Film Project album on my Flickr account which you can visit by clicking the link below. I hope you enjoy them.

Frugal Film Project 2021

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